Sock hands

My youngest daughter by three minutes has demanded to wear socks on her hands for the last three days. Yesterday when we got to church, she cried when I made her take them off. (What was a fashion-conscious mom supposed to do--they didn't match her outfit!) She wore two pairs of socks to bed last night--one on her feet and one on her hands. She gave me the biggest giggle when I put a pair on her hands after I put her in her crib.

Yes, we're almost 2 1/2 and still in cribs. That is about to change, though... I've been dreading the day.


This is a story about lawyers AND fried catfish. For our firm's Christmas party, we went to a cajun restaurant. My boss's husband (who is from Oklahoma) teases me A LOT about being from Arkansas. When I told the waitress I would like a catfish dinner, he mumbled in a disparaging tone, "Arkie." When the waitress took his order and he ordered the same thing, I mumbled back, "Okie."

Ok, so maybe this post wasn't that funny, but if you have some good Okie jokies, I'd love to pass them along!

Have a great day!!


I was surprised and disturbed yesterday when I discovered my e-mail interface through findlaw had been changed. At first I thought the good people at findlaw had deleted all my e-mails, folders, and addresses I had saved. I was devastated since that was the only place that contained addresses of 50 of my closest friends and e-mails with research and "job kudos."

Depressed, and pretty sick with a head cold, I went to bed. This morning, I discovered the e-mail fairy had come. She brought back all my addresses and saved e-mails. I found out I have a lot more storage on the account as well. Thank you, findlaw fairy, thank you.