As you can see from the comment on my last post, my mom thinks I'm somewhat "Legally Blonde"-like. (You know, the movie where Reese Witherspoon goes to Harvard Law School...) I was thinking that our best "Legally Blonde" moment during the week of the trial was on Wednesday night after closing arguments. It was 4 p.m., we weren't hungry but wanted to do something. We called around and arranged for the three of us to get pedicures. Two of us got French toes. One got red. This is part of the reason I love working for this firm... while I perform a wide variety of large and small tasks, there are great perks like pedicures! The next day as the verdict was announced, our firm had the prettiest toenails in the courtroom.
Fun fact: Reese Witherspoon is TO THE DAY one year OLDER than me!
Speaking of Legally Blonde...
6:46 PM | | 3 Comments
It Was a Fun Week!
Our law firm was in court all week on a racial discrimination case. We found out yesterday the jury awarded our client $200K in comp damages. We'll have to do some research, but this could be a record-breaking amount for a federal employee in Colorado.
While that was by far the most memorable event of the week, I also have a couple of funny stories to share. All week long, one of my duties was to procure lunch for the firm's partners, the client, and myself. (Our firm is very small and consists of three people--the two partners and me. Therefore, my job duties consist of associate attorney work, secretary work, clerk work, chauffeur work, gopher work, and anything else that is needed.) On Tuesday after I paid for our lunch at Quizno's, I stepped to grab napkins and straws. As my foot hit the ground, I realized that half my foot was touching the floor. I thought that was strange, and I looked down and noticed the top half of my sandal had completely broken in two. (They were my favorite pair of dressier sandals--pink with silver buckles. SO cute. Very sad.) I had to walk two blocks back to the courthouse with my sandal flopping everywhere. I was so glad it had a strap around the ankle at least. Halfway back, I realized I could thread the broken part of the shoe around my big toe and it wouldn't flop so bad. As I stooped down to do this, a woman walked past me, sneered, laughed, and looked at me like I deserved it since I was well-dressed or a lawyer or something. I said to myself "if she only knew!" At the end of the very long day, one of the law partners made me take her sneakers to walk back to the car. I was grateful. In hindsight, maybe it was lucky. Henceforth, I will start wishing people "break a shoe!"
Story #2: My MOM brain kicks in. I think it happened that Tuesday as well, but I cannot remember for sure due to loss of brain cells after pregnancy/childbirth. After the long day was over and the judge left the courtroom, I approached counsel's table to help. A law partner directed me to start cleaning up the numerous papers and files strewn about. As I began this task, I caught myself singing the "clean-up song." You Barney fans would be familiar with it. (It goes, "clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere, clean up, clean up, everybody does their share.") I started laughing, and when the partners questioned what was funny, I told them about how my mom brain kicked in. They laughed as well, both being moms themselves. It was indeed a really fun week and a great break from being a work-at-home-mom. I'm glad to be back home with my girls now, though!
8:31 AM | | 1 Comments
More Funny Things I've Heard Myself Say Lately
"Please don't put play-doh down your shirt."
"I said 'wipe your face,' not 'wipe your sandwich.'"
"We don't put our blanket on our sandwich."
(Yes, it was a fun lunch--not quite ready to get rid of our boosters.)
12:24 PM | | 0 Comments
Lunchtime Pray-er
My youngest daughter LOVES to pray. This habit is one I definitely encourage, but I must admit she adds about 10 minutes more to each mealtime. We pray at the beginning of, several times during the middle, and a few times after a meal. Yesterday at lunch as we were eating our mac-n-cheese, she looked at me and said, "mama, hand." I gave her my hand. Then she looked at her sister and said, "sister, hand." Sister gave her hand. She then bowed her head and said, "dear God, daddy work, home soon. Amen."
It was so cute and sweet. I cried a little. I hope (and pray) she never loses that sweetness and faith.
7:40 AM | | 1 Comments
Thinking Bee
TLM (twinlawyermommy) and family just returned from a trip to her brother, hp calc's, house to celebrate his daughter's birthday. We flew on an airplane, and the girls loved the trip. Their parents were pretty stressed out, but as our plane began its descent to our destination city, my seat companion (the younger twin) started chanting "thinking bee, thinking bee, thinking bee."
She had transferred a memory from the "Bee Movie" to real life. I thought she was a genius and so funny. I laugh every time I think about it.
9:43 AM | | 3 Comments