"gamma raise" asked how to play "traffic football" in a rural setting. To this reader, I respond that one might just play a much slower version and adjust the downs, or count something besides cars, like cows or light poles.
"ron g" asked me why I do not blog very often. To this reader, I respond with this: read the title of my blog! ;) Also, sometimes I find it difficult to come up with entertaining and informative things to blog about. However, as the New Year gears up and my twins turn 2, keep checking in as I am sure to find a lot of new inspiration!
To all 4 of my loyal readers, I wish you a Happy, Prosperous, God-blessed, Enlightened New Year.
Answers to Readers' Questions
9:16 PM | | 1 Comments
My girls absolutely LOVE Winnie the Pooh. Maybe even more than Elmo. While watching a vintage Pooh Bear episode, I discovered that Tigger was before his time and was probably the first to speak how people text and e-mail these days. He says "TTFN, tah-tah for now."
Writing or talking in acronyms like this one has recently overtaken "magazine-ad-postcards-that-fall-out-of-magazines-when-you-pick-them-up" as my biggest pet peeve. As many of you know, I am somewhat of a grammar curmudgeon. (I realize that some may be shocked by this as many of you have already found quite a few mistakes in my writings, including that the title of my blog contains a misplaced modifier. Is she a mommy of twin lawyers? Is the lawyer a twin and a mommy? While this bugs me too, I thought it sounded better than some of the alternatives I came up with.) Back to the abbreviation thing. The one that probably bothers me the most is IMHO. I apologize in advance to the friends and family members who frequently use this one. I find it somewhat of an oxymoron. Even the expression itself is an oxymoron. If you have to tell someone that your opinion is humble, doesn't that kinda negate the humbleness aspect of the forthcoming opinion? Also, if you simply state IMHO, it seems arrogant to assume people will understand that you are about to give a "humble opinion."
Since my therapist (yes, I see a therapist as ALL lawyers should!) has encouraged me to be more arrogant (or was it more assertive?) this year, I will be using the phrase "in my arrogant/assertive opinion," or IMA/AO.
3:54 PM | | 1 Comments
Traffic Football
I invented a super-fun game a couple of years ago which I played last night driving home from a continuing education class. Since it is so super-fun, I have decided to unleash my creation on the world. I call it "Traffic Football" for now until I can come up with a better name for it. The game begins when you are in stop-and-go traffic. First, you pick a lane and get in it. Second, pick a car beside you which becomes the "line of scrimmage." When your lane moves past the line of scrimmage, start counting. When you pass three cars, that equals a first down. When you get three first downs, that equals a touchdown. If your "line of scrimmage" car plus two more cars pass you, that's a negative down and you must now make four first downs to make a touchdown. If you're still moving after you make a touchdown and pass another car, you receive a PAT. The play ceases when all the cars stop or you change lanes. At this point, play starts from the beginning, and you select a new "line of scrimmage" car.
The up-side to "Traffic Football" is that it tends to make commutes a little more enjoyable. The down-side which all should be cautious about is it produces a little more aggressive driving and a little "road rage" in the person playing the game.
Let me know if you think of other fun rules to add or can come up with a better name for this phenomenon I created.
7:58 AM | | 2 Comments
Kids say the cutest stuff. My two are learning how to talk right now, and it's so much fun. They can't say "noodles," but they say "noonles." They say "nummy" for "yummy." When I tell them to do something, even before they do it, they pronounce themself as "goo girl", or, "good girl!" They love their "sisser," and they yell "Amen" at church for all to hear. They laugh at me when I call them by the wrong name. They crack me up so much now, I can't wait until they start forming sentences.
9:12 PM | | 2 Comments
Stupid Questions People Ask (the first in a series)
If you're a parent of twins, you'll have lots. My favorite is when people ask me if the girls are "natural." I like to respond with, "no, they're actually robots." Another fun way to answer is "well, late one Friday evening after my husband came home from work, we were feeling pretty frisky...," that shuts them up pretty fast. I am still not sure why total strangers want to know about others' fertility, and I don't THINK parents of singletons get asked this question. Correct me if I'm wrong!
12:13 PM | | 1 Comments
Welcome to my world
This is my first blog ever. I decided to start a blog because of my big brother, hp calculators and spaghetti sandwiches, http://2enter1plus.blogspot.com/ His blog is dedicated to statistician stuff and food. While I, too, will comment about food occasionally, my main focus will be, of course, the adventures of being a mom and lawyer. Hope you enjoy reading my thoughts.
11:43 AM | | 2 Comments