Stupid Questions People Ask (part 2 in a series)

Another question I often get is "are they identical or paternal?" Yes, a few people really have asked me whether they are "paternal." (They mean "fraternal.") I am not exactly sure why people are fascinated with this, but I usually give them an answer. Sometimes I say, "yes, they're identical." Sometimes I say, "they're fraternal." In truth, we really don't know, so I just tell them whatever I feel like at the time.

The real answer is pretty long, and sometimes I explain it to people (especially other parents of twins). Our doctor said they were fraternal because they were in separate sacs. Since then, I read that 33% of identical twins have separate sacs. The NICU nurses said they were identical because they weighed the exact same, were the exact same height, and even their hair swirled in the same pattern. (They still have all these similarities.) They have some differences--the biggest is personality. The elder has freckles and a rounder face, the younger has an oval-shaped face. Fact is, we will never know for sure unless we have their DNA tested. It's not that important for me to know the answer (and it would cost about $300), so I won't have it done. The girls may decide to do it someday, but for now, I get to choose!


kcrazorback said...

I've met your kids and I don't know if they are identical or not. I've also seen them interact with their dad and I can assure you that they are paternal.