Husband-bear's boss gave him four free tix to a Rockies game, so we decided to take the family out for the day. The day began, however, with a couple of hours at church. During the girls' class, they made cute flowers in flowerpots. The flowers were silk sunflowers. Baby B dropped her plant, and the pot shattered as we were walking out the door. We thought she'd be upset, but she didn't care; as long as her flower was ok, the pot didn't matter. We then changed clothes and caught the Light Rail to Coors' Field. We had to bring our sunflowers with us. While the train was the most fun part for them, I enjoyed that they held on to those darn sunflowers for three hours' straight. Other highlights of the day included: Baby B's flirting with 20-year-old boys on the train, Baby A's dancing during every song at the game, and people laughing at the twins when they were eating snacks as fast as they could. The lowlights of the day were that my husband and I both missed the only score the Rockies made during the game because we were both tending to babies, I forgot my camera and couldn't document the event (another argument to allow me to purchase a cool new Blackberry/camera phone), and we had to leave the game early although the weather was nice. However, no other scoring occurred after we left, and the Rockies lost, so it was kind of good we got to beat the traffic. I was SO amazed that those babies stayed happy for an hour-and-a-half during the game!
Another funny thing: I just read my brother's blog, and he describes he took his daughter to a Royals game, and my niece ate treats the whole time. (Ours did, too!) So, I guess I had more of a "twin connection" to him today than his own twin! I look forward to taking him to a Rockies game during his visit in August.
Baseball and Sunflowers
9:47 PM | | 2 Comments
Have a Fabulous Day!
So, there I was yesterday morning working very hard at my computer. I was so excited to catch up on work a little. Then, of course, I ran out of ink. Full of frustration since the babysitter was on the clock, and I had to interrupt my good work pace, I had no choice but to make a run to our local discount/grocery store. Once I arrived, I quickly found the right ink and decided to procure some lunch fixins. I sauntered up to the deli counter and placed my order. It took quite a while, and I was a little stressed about how long it was taking. After I thanked the attendant, she replied, "have a fabulous day." This wish seemed very strange to me, as I evaluated my appearance. (I guess I usually equate fabulousness with looks.) I was wearing sweats and no makeup--a pretty scary sight. I thought to myself, ok. How do I have a fabulous day when I look like this, the legal work I was doing at home wasn't very sexy, and I was caring for my kids and visiting in-laws. As I was walking to the register to pay for my ink and meat, I decided I could have a fabulous attitude. I began to smile. I instantly felt better. I chatted with the employee working the checkout counter, and I made her laugh. In my sweats, with a frazzled brain, I actually became pretty fabulous. I shall strive to be more fabulous every day, no matter what's on my plate.
10:51 AM | | 2 Comments
Pee and Poop Story
WARNING: the squeamish may not want to read this one.
It happened on Saturday afternoon. My husband-bear and I put our little darlings down for their afternoon nap. We were exhausted, they weren't. I heard them fussing, but since they weren't fussing too bad, I left them in their cribs. We dozed off--for a very short time, and when I awoke, I ventured into their room.
When I arrived, I found that Baby A had thrown all her bears and blankets out of her bed, stripped down naked, and peed all over her mattress. Likewise, Baby B had thrown all her bears and blankets out of her bed, stripped down naked, and pooped on her mattress. She also smeared it all over the wall and crib, and she was brown from head to toe.
I yelled for my husband, and we both wanted to gag. He took Baby B and jumped in the shower, and I left Baby A in the wet crib and gathered cleaning supplies. I threw Baby A in the shower with dad and Baby B after "B" had been decontaminated and began my cleaning. At least "A" went poo-poo before I put her down for a nap--it could have been much worse. Husband-bear cleaned and dried the babies, and I cleaned and did laundry. My small mountain of laundry quickly turned into Mount Everest, especially after finding many treasures at yard sales.
11:08 AM | | 7 Comments