Have a Fabulous Day!

So, there I was yesterday morning working very hard at my computer. I was so excited to catch up on work a little. Then, of course, I ran out of ink. Full of frustration since the babysitter was on the clock, and I had to interrupt my good work pace, I had no choice but to make a run to our local discount/grocery store. Once I arrived, I quickly found the right ink and decided to procure some lunch fixins. I sauntered up to the deli counter and placed my order. It took quite a while, and I was a little stressed about how long it was taking. After I thanked the attendant, she replied, "have a fabulous day." This wish seemed very strange to me, as I evaluated my appearance. (I guess I usually equate fabulousness with looks.) I was wearing sweats and no makeup--a pretty scary sight. I thought to myself, ok. How do I have a fabulous day when I look like this, the legal work I was doing at home wasn't very sexy, and I was caring for my kids and visiting in-laws. As I was walking to the register to pay for my ink and meat, I decided I could have a fabulous attitude. I began to smile. I instantly felt better. I chatted with the employee working the checkout counter, and I made her laugh. In my sweats, with a frazzled brain, I actually became pretty fabulous. I shall strive to be more fabulous every day, no matter what's on my plate.


Ron G said...

Dear Sister (in law)
Thanks for sharing this message with us. I too will have a fabulous day. Give my love to your fabulous family.

gamma raise said...
